
About Sierra

I’ve been practicing massage in Seattle since February of 2001. Which, as I write this, I’m actually feeling impressed. I’m kinda proud of myself. ^-^ yay me. Celebrating 20 years of massage practice. Woot!

I was born in Alaska, in October of 1979. Since I was 11 years old, I’ve been obsessed with healing work for the body. My inspiration was Dr. Robert Herbst, D.C. He showed me the way a true healing method works. I was such an aggressive downhill skier in my childhood, that I had constant low back pain by the time I was 13. My mother took me to see “Doc Herbst” for several months. The first weeks, he adjusted my spine several times a week, and eventually tapered off into maybe once a month because my body was no longer in pain. He was an artist in the chiropractic methods. 

I fully experienced what healers do to our human bodies by going from a state of pain and restriction I couldn’t fix myself, to a state of freedom and comfort in my body. It was a life altering experience. There was no turning back. I knew I needed to learn how to do that. 

I’ve been a licensed massage therapist, and in practice since 2001. Having worked for chiropractors, spas, medical massage treatment clinics, and (throughout it all) myself, I possess a vast base of experience to care for my clients.

I graduated from the Brian Utting Massage School (1998, 1999-2000) and in 2007 I attended Pat O’Rourke’s craniosacral instruction series, notably

In the beginning, I specialized in deep tissue and was obsessed with developing fascial release techniques. That’s enabled a few thousand hours of treating chronic injuries that needed this type of healing touch. These days my sessions can be deep or light depending on what my clients need.

I’ve helped clients avoid injury, overcome and lessen chronic pain, get further along the path in recovering from surgery, and deal with depression and emotional fallout from the difficulties of life.

My mastery of massage, physical as well as emotional self-care, and personal resourcing for optimal healing has made me one of the most effective bodyworkers in the city of Seattle and the Puget Sound region.

With my background and continued interest in the healing arts, I’m always looking for new ways to provide a better service to my clients.

Following ethical behavior standards in treating trauma and deep emotional release, and following safety protocols for emotional healing, I bring all facets of my experience and education to each client and we work together as partners in their healing journey.

The focus of my current practice centers on the deep physical and emotional healing of injuries and problems that keep my clients from realizing their full physical and emotional freedom.

Massage is an intimate form of healing. It demands a safe environment to be fully effective. I endeavor to keep my clients in a safe and comfortable setting. I hope to provide you with the care, listening and attention you need to receive the kind of massage you want from a given treatment.